Monday, July 5, 2010

Thing #8

I added a couple feeds on recipes.  I really like changing up what I cook so using the RSS feed makes it so much easier to look for new things to cook.  Also, I like that it is easy to organize the feeds using Google Reader.
Also, I added a couple news feeds, cnn and msnbc.  I rarely watch tv news or pick up a newspaper to learn what is going on in the world.  Using the reader makes it so much easier to go to one place versus going to several different sites.
I also subscribed to the Cool Cat Teacher blog.  I ran across this blog a couple weeks ago and then I saw it on our instruction page for this thing.
Right now, I am seeing using the reader for more personal use.  I am trying to think of how I could use this in my math class.  I use several instructional websites that have video and audio links.  The use of the reader might be a good way for students to access the instruction.  I will have to think of how I could use it.  Right now, I am struggling of how to use it.  But I was thinking  in history, students could follow current events.  If a teacher had all their students using blogs, the use of a reader would be the only way to track the use of the blogs.
The students could use a reader to follow all of their teachers' blogs too.  If a teacher posts their lessons on a blog, then both administrators and students could follow it easier through a reader.

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